Brigid Doran (née McCrory)

Date of Death: Monday 9th October 2023 Town: Cabragh
Date of Death: Monday 9th October 2023

Doran Brigid (Nee Mc Crory) 9th October 2023

The daughter, son-in-law, grandchildren & extended family of the late Brigid Doran would like to express our sincere thanks to all those who sympathised with us during our recent sad bereavement. We are deeply grateful to Fr P Hannigan P.P. for attending to Mummy over the last few years and for celebrating the funeral Mass. Also thanks to Fr C Murphy, the Hospital Chaplain.

A heartfelt thanks to all our kind relatives, friends and neighbours who called at our family home, attended the funeral, sent Mass cards, messages of sympathy, telephoned and brought food, gifts or floral tributes. We are forever indebted to all those who helped in any way, especially those who made tea and prepared food during the wake. Thanks to Kevin & Ciaran Mc Elvogue for the use of their equipment and also to those who assisted with car parking.

A special thanks to Kate Mc Aleer & Co Funeral Director for the professional, dignified and respectful way in which the funeral arrangements were carried out. Thanks to the Sacristan, Christopher Gallagher, to Cara Mc Elvogue for providing the beautiful singing and to those who participated in the Mass. Thank you to the grave digger for preparing Mummy’s final resting place and to Kieran Traynor for the services of Killeeshil Community Centre. A sincere thanks to Maria Corrigan with her staff for the beautiful funeral meal and to those who helped serve the food.

Our sincere gratitude to all the Health Care Professionals, with whom Mummy came into contact, in recent years, for all their care and support; – To the doctors, nurses and staff of A & E at Craigavon Area Hospital, to the paramedics, the District Nurses, OT and Physios, also to the staff of Errigal Medical Centre and Shane O Neill’s Chemist. We would greatly like to extend our gratitude to Enable Care Services for their help over the last few months.

As it is impossible to thank everyone individually, so we trust that this acknowledgement will be accepted as a token of our deepest appreciation. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for your intentions.

Brigid’s months mind Mass will be celebrated on Friday 17 November at 7.30pm in St Joseph’s Church Ackinduff.

Doran Brigid (Nee Mc Crory) 9th October 2023

The daughter, son-in-law, grandchildren & extended family of the late Brigid Doran would like to express our sincere thanks to all those who sympathised with us during our recent sad bereavement. We are deeply grateful to Fr P Hannigan P.P. for attending to Mummy over the last few years and for celebrating the funeral Mass. Also thanks to Fr C Murphy, the Hospital Chaplain.

A heartfelt thanks to all our kind relatives, friends and neighbours who called at our family home, attended the funeral, sent Mass cards, messages of sympathy, telephoned and brought food, gifts or floral tributes. We are forever indebted to all those who helped in any way, especially those who made tea and prepared food during the wake. Thanks to Kevin & Ciaran Mc Elvogue for the use of their equipment and also to those who assisted with car parking.

A special thanks to Kate Mc Aleer & Co Funeral Director for the professional, dignified and respectful way in which the funeral arrangements were carried out. Thanks to the Sacristan, Christopher Gallagher, to Cara Mc Elvogue for providing the beautiful singing and to those who participated in the Mass. Thank you to the grave digger for preparing Mummy’s final resting place and to Kieran Traynor for the services of Killeeshil Community Centre. A sincere thanks to Maria Corrigan with her staff for the beautiful funeral meal and to those who helped serve the food.

Our sincere gratitude to all the Health Care Professionals, with whom Mummy came into contact, in recent years, for all their care and support; – To the doctors, nurses and staff of A & E at Craigavon Area Hospital, to the paramedics, the District Nurses, OT and Physios, also to the staff of Errigal Medical Centre and Shane O Neill’s Chemist. We would greatly like to extend our gratitude to Enable Care Services for their help over the last few months.

As it is impossible to thank everyone individually, so we trust that this acknowledgement will be accepted as a token of our deepest appreciation. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for your intentions.

Brigid’s months mind Mass will be celebrated on Friday 17 November at 7.30pm in St Joseph’s Church Ackinduff.

Doran (Fashglusha, Cabragh) 9th October 2023, peacefully at Craigavon Area Hospital surrounded by her loving family, Brigid (née McCrory) beloved wife of the late Hugh RIP, cherished mother to Margaret and mother-in-law to Pat and doting granny to Hugh, Patrick, Kieran, Matthew and Ailish.  Much loved sister of Tommy and the late Packie, Annie, Mick and Francis RIP.

Brigid is reposing at her home 74 Fashglusha Road BT70 3AL until removal Thursday morning for 11am Requiem Mass in St. Joseph’s Church, Ackinduff.  Interment afterwards in the adjoining cemetery.

Sacred Heart Of Jesus pray for her.

Deeply loved and missed by her sorrowing daughter, son-in-law, grandchildren, brother, nieces, nephews, entire family circle, neighbours and friends.

Any enquiries to McAleer Bros Funeral Directors 07824 648742

McAleer Bros.

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