Catherine McVEIGH

The family of the late Catherine McVeigh would like to express their sincere thanks to all those who sympathised and supported them in their sudden unexpected bereavement. Thanks to all who travelled near and far to express heartfelt condolences for Catherine. Sincere thanks to all our friends and family who helped get the house ready for Catherine coming home. We are also forever indebted to all who brought and delivered food and to those who worked tirelessly providing refreshments.
Our heartfelt thanks to Father Moore who offered great support to the family and to Catherine’s three sons at the sudden unexpected death of Catherine. Our heartfelt thanks to Kate McAleer for the dignified manner in which they conducted the funeral arrangements and the support provided to the family through the process.
As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually as please accept this acknowledgement as an expression of our most heartfelt gratitude.
Catherine’s Months Mind Mass will be on Thursday 29th February @ 7.30pm at the Church of the Assumption, Pomeroy
McAleer Bros.
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Please share a photograph of the late Catherine with their family
Months Mind Service
29 February 2024, 7:30 pmThe Church of the Assumption, Pomeroy
Click here to watch the ceremony online -
Funeral/Service of thanksgiving Details

Loretta Cutajar