Christina O'Neill

We the family of the late Christina O’Neill (RIP), would like to extend heartfelt thanks to all those who sympathised and supported us during and since the death of our precious mother. Our sincere thanks to our extended family, friends and neighbours and the wider community who helped us during this difficult time; and those who attended the wake, sent Mass cards, Sympathy cards, social media messages, left flowers, donations in lieu of flowers, gifts and provided others kind gestures of support.
To all our kind neighbours and friends who paid tribute to her by their dignified presence along the route to the church for her funeral, those who joined us at the church for her funeral and to those who joined with us online.
Thanks to Dr McKay, Junior, Dr McKay Senior, Dr Vernan, Dr McGuigan, Helen and Patricia and the staff of Ardmore Medical Practice Dungannon for their dedicated and ongoing support during her final years. The staff of McAleer Medical Hall, The Respiratory Team (Northern Trust), Staff of Craigavon Area Hospital, The Ambulance Service and the District Nurses for the professional manner in which you all carried out your different roles whilst caring for her.
Our mother was provided with excellent Spiritual support in her final years, and we owe a debt of gratitude to the following clergy for their ongoing commitment to her and their support to us at the time of her passing to eternal life: –
Fr Owen O’Donnell, Fr Barney McAleer, Fr Mark and Fr Danny Monaghan, Fr Prince, Fr Martin McVeigh, Fr McCrory, Fr Ignatius, Fr Frances, Fr Trainor, Fr Hughes, Fr O’Neill, Fr Deveney, Fr Hannigan, Fr Charles and Fr Colhoun.
A very special word of thanks to our Parish Priest Fr David Moore who attended her at home and provided her spiritual care in recent years, for his support to our family at the time of her death, and for the most appropriate and fitting celebration of Holy Mass for her Funeral Requiem.
To all who enhanced her funeral liturgy and provided support for her funeral. Jacqueline and Eamon for their most appropriate and spiritual music contribution. To the Sacristan’s Ann-Marie and Patrick, Colin, Damien, Kieran, Jody Neville (All spec) and Aiden Molloy, Ann McKenna for providing the most beautiful floral arrangements, and the Piper Noel Mullin who led her to her final place of rest.
We extend a very sincere and heartfelt debt of gratitude to the following people: –
The staff of Rivervale Country PCH for the commitment, help and support offered to us during what was a very challenging and difficult time.
Some people have provided dedicated and loyal care and support to our mother for many years and it is to you that we owe a special word of thanks for all you have done for her.
To Anne and Rosemary who supported her with her care needs over the years.
Paula and Maureen who provided her with many gifts and activities which enabled her to continue and enjoy her many missionary projects throughout the years.
To Vera who’s weekly visits brought her much joy and comfort, to her nieces and nephews, her friends at Rea’s Ceoil House and to Margaret and Dympna for their continued support and friendship.
To Bridget who had a special place in our mother care, you cared for her with such dignity and gentleness and your presence always brought her much joy and contentment in a very kind and caring way. We as a family will be forever grateful to you for everything you have been to her and to us.
Finally, we extend our gratitude to our Funeral Director Kate McAleer and her assistant Peter Murphy, to the Grave Digger John Rafferty for the professional way you carried out her funeral arrangements.
It must be mentioned that we do not have words adequate to express to you Kate, the peace and comfort you brought us by how you took care of our mother’s funeral arrangements. You went above and beyond your call of duty.
As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually who has supported us since our mother passing to eternal life. We have been humbled by the overwhelming support and generosity of everyone, and we trust that this acknowledgement will express our sincere appreciation and gratitude to all of you.
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for your intentions.
Our mothers’ months Mind Mass will take place on Saturday 29th January at
11 am in the Church of the Assumption Pomeroy. Holy Mass can also be viewed via Webcam.
Our Lady Queen of Peace Pray for Her
O’Neill (Pomeroy) 20th December 2021, Christina, dearly beloved wife of the late Con RIP, precious mother to Breige (Glackin), Gerry , Philomena (McGee), Helena (McCooey), Barney, Teresa, Finbar and the late Patrick (Pat) RIP and mother-in-law to Tony, Cathal, Rosemary, Arthur, Anne and Paula. Adored by her grandchildren, Adrian, Siobhan, Michael, Aaron, Louise, Emma, Ryan, Maria, Conor, Shane, Edel, Ursula, Lauran, Clara, Corey- Patrick, Fina-Christina and great-grandmother to Amelia, Sophia and James.
Christina is reposing at home 108 Cavanakeeran Road, BT70 2TB until removal tomorrow for 12 noon requiem mass at The Church of the Assumption, interment afterwards in the adjoining cemetery.
Our Lady, Saint Teresa and Padre Pio pray for her.
Very deeply regretted by her sorrowing daughters, sons, daughters-in-law, sons-in-law, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, entire family circle, neighbours and friends
Family flowers only. Donations en lieu to the missions care of the funeral director. Any enquiries to McAleer Bros Funeral Directors 07824 648742
McAleer Bros.
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Please share a photograph of the late Christina with their family
Months Mind Service
29 January 2022, 11:00 amChurch of the Assumption , Pomeroy
Click here to watch the ceremony online -
Funeral/Service of thanksgiving Details
27 December 2021, 12:00pmThe Church of the Assumption, Pomeroy Co. Tyrone,
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Safely Home
Marie Quinn
Philomena Molloy
Mary Quinn
Kieran McGrath