Precious memories of a much loved Mother, Mother-in-law, Grandmother, Sister and Aunt
Though your armchair may be empty,
Your pillow cold and smooth,
I feel your love around me still,
To comfort and to soothe.
It lifts my spirit, warms my heart,
When tings all go awry,
It brings me endless memories,
Of happy times gone by.
Though your armchair may be empty,
No slippers by the fire,
I know your love will keep me strong,
If friends should fall or tire.
And though the days which lie ahead,
Wherever life may lead,
I’ll still come home to find your love,
Your love is all I need.
Mary’s first anniversary mass will be celebrated in The Church of Saint John the Baptist, Galbally on Friday 17th February at 7:30pm
The Family of the late Mary Nugent, Glenbeg, Galbally, wish to thank everyone who sympathised with them in person, or who sent Mass Cards and sympathy messages following Mummy’s recent passing. We are very grateful to everyone who provided, or offered, help and support in any way over the wake and funeral, and also to the many people who donated to the District Nurses Fund in lieu of flowers.
We will always be deeply indebted to the very special group of Carers who helped us to ensure that we were able to care for Mummy in her home. Thank you to Dr. Cormac McKay and the Staff of Ardmore Medical Practice, and to Jennifer O’Hagan and the Staff of Medicare Newell Road for all their care and attention over the years to Mummy’s medical needs. Thanks also to the District Nurses and other Healthcare Professionals for their many compassionate visits.
A special word of thanks to Kate McALeer for the very professional and sensitive manner in which she and her assistants Peter Murphy and John Donaghy dealt with all the funeral arrangements. We are grateful to everyone who came out to pay their respects on the evening we took Mummy home and also to those who lined the route on the day of the funeral itself, especially the Guard of Honour from Piarsaigh and Ghallbhaile CLG.
Go raibh mile maith agaibh to Fr. Breslin and Fr. McGukin for their unfailing pastoral care and countless visits to Mummy and to Fr. Moore whose comforting presence in her final days meant so much to us all. His beautiful homily at Mummy’s Requiem Mass, so enriched by Noeleen and Catherine Neil’s music, was a great consolation to all the Family. Thanks to the Eucharistic Ministers and Church Sacristan, and also to all those who so carefully prepared and tended to Mummy’s Final Resting Place alongside Daddy (Charlie) in Aughnagar Cemetery.
As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, we trust that this acknowledgement will be accepted as marking our heartfelt appreciation and deep gratitude to each of you.
Mummy’s Month’s Mind Mass will be held on Friday April 1st at 7:30pm in The Church of Saint John the Baptist, Galbally and can be viewed online via the link on this page.
Our Lady of Lourdes Pray for Her.
Nugent, Mary (née Harvey) Glenbeg, Galbally.
Peacefully on 23rd February 2022 at home in the care of her family, beloved wife of the late Charlie Nugent, loving mother of Ignatius, Kathleen (Quinn), Eileen (Loughran), Carmel (McNamee), Plunkett, Marie (Mallon) and Sheamus; cherished daughter of the late John and Margaret (Muldoon) Harvey, dear sister of Josie (Brannigan), Mick, Seamus, Brendan and the late Peter, Packie, Sarah (Corr), Lena (Donaghy), Peggy (Hughes), Liz (Doran), Kitty (Murphy) and baby Martin.
Mary’s remains will be reposing at her home (House Private Please) until removal at 10:30am on Saturday for 11am Requiem Mass in the Church of St John the Baptist, Galbally, interment afterwards alongside her late husband Charlie in St. Patrick’s Church, Aughnagar graveyard.
Family flowers only please, donations in lieu to District Nursing Dungannon via the link on this page.
Deeply regretted by her sorrowing sons, daughters, sons-in-law, daughters-in-law, grandchildren, great-grandchildren. nephews, nieces, cousins, neighbours, and wide circle of family friends.
All enquiries to Kate McAleer, Funeral Director 07824 648742
May Our Lady Queen of Peace intercede on her behalf,
May all the Saints of Ireland welcome her into paradise,
and May she now Rest in Eternal Peace.
McAleer Bros.
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Donations being raised for Termonmaguirc Cancer Patients Comfort Fund.
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Anniversary Service
17 February 2023, 7:30 pmThe Church of Saint John the Baptist, Galbally
Click here to watch the ceremony online -
Months Mind Service
01 April 2022, 7:30 pmThe Church of Saint John the Baptist, Galbally BT70 2NR
Click here to watch the ceremony online -
Funeral/Service of thanksgiving Details
26 February 2022, 11:00amThe Church of Saint John the Baptist, Galbally BT70 2NR
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