Ronald (Ronnie) McCREADY

Kelly, Michelle, Roisin, Gavin and Aíne wish to express their heartfelt thanks for the overwhelming support and kindness shown to them throughout their recent sad loss.
Thank you to everyone who attended the wake and funeral, sent Mass and sympathy cards, telephone calls and texts. To the family members who travelled long distances to offer comfort and support. We really appreciated your love and support.
With special thanks to Canon Sean Emerson for his words of comfort he provided us and the beautiful funeral Mass. It was a true reflection of our daddy and he captured his personality perfectly. The service was enriched with the beautiful singing and music by Una McGill.
We offer our sincere thanks to the compassionate and caring nurses and staff at Antrim Area Hospital, especially wards A6 and A7, and Slemish Nursing Home, Ballymena, for the empathetic care and respect provided to our daddy during his illness. We are forever grateful.
Sincere thanks to Paddy and Dessie of Marrion’s Funeral Directors for their professionalism, compassionate and respectful handling of all the funeral arrangements at this difficult time.
As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this acknowledgement as a token of our sincere appreciation.
Ronnie’s Month’s Mind Mass will be held on Friday 6th December in St. Joseph’s Church, Greystone Road, Antrim at 7.00pm. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass shall be offered for the intentions of all.
We regret to inform you of the death of Ronald (Ronnie) McCready from 63 Moylena Grove, Antrim, who passed away on Tuesday 29th October. Ronnie, much loved husband of the late Kathleen (Kay) and loving father to Kelly, Michelle, Roisin, Gavin and Aíne, grandfather to Chloe, Rhys, Dara, Elle, Isla, Cainan, Kayla, Kyren and great-grandfather to Archie.
Ronnie will be removed from Marrion’s Funeral Home, 12a Main Street, Randalstown on Friday evening at 6.00pm to St. Comgall’s Church Antrim. Requiem Mass will be on Saturday 2nd November at 10.00am, Interment immediately after in Sixmile Cemetery.
If you would like to pay your respects to the McCready family, the wake will be in Marrion’s Funeral Home on Thursday between 5.30pm – 9.00pm, also on Friday between 4.00pm and 6.00pm.
Padre Pio pray for him.
Deeply regretted by his sorrowing son, daughters, sons-in-law, grandchildren and wider family circle.
Safely Home
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Please share a photograph of the late Ronald (Ronnie) with their family
Months Mind Service
06 December 2024, 7:00 pmSt. Joseph's Church, Greystone Road, Antrim
Funeral/Service of thanksgiving Details