Michael (Mickey) Keenan

The wife, son, daughters, sister, brothers, and entire family circle of the late Michael (Mickey) Keenan wish to thank most sincerely all those who sympathised and supported us during our recent sad bereavement.
Thank you to those who called to see Mickey in hospital in his final days and those who attended the wake and funeral. Thanks to those who brought/sent Mass and Sympathy cards, sent letters of comfort, messages, and telephoned.
Thank you to all who brought gifts and food to the family home and a sincere thank you to those who helped in the kitchen and provided refreshments during the wake. Many thanks to Sean Donaghy for providing the parking area for the wake, for all who helped with traffic control, and to Aidan O’Gara for providing the marquee. A special thank you to Loane Transport for providing their lorry and to Jimmy Thompson, their driver, who led Mickey’s funeral procession.
We wish to thank the medical staff of RVH Belfast. Also, a heartfelt thank you to the Podiatry and Heart Failure teams in Omagh Hospital & Primary Care Complex, who went above and beyond in their care for Mickey. Our deepest gratitude to the staff of SWAH Enniskillen and, in particular, to every single staff member of Ward 2. We will never be able to thank them enough for how well they looked after Mickey in his final weeks and the level of care and compassion they treated him with. The care and support they also gave us, as a family, in those weeks will never be forgotten. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you.
Our heartfelt thanks to Fr. Peter McAnenly P.P. for his spiritual support and for the beautiful Requiem Mass. We convey our sincere appreciation to the choir and musicians for providing the beautiful singing and music, the Eucharistic Ministers, Altar Servers, Sacristan, and Grave-diggers. Also, special thank you to everyone who made up the Guard of Honour. We would also like to thank Loch Mhic Ruairí Naomh Treasa GAA for the use of the clubroom and the Charm Inn for providing refreshments after the funeral.
Our sincere thanks to Fox & McCallan Funeral Directors for the dignified and caring manner in which they carried out the funeral arrangements and the support they provided the family during our most difficult time.
As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, we trust this acknowledgement will be accepted as a token of our appreciation.
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for your intentions. Mickey’s Month’s Mind Mass will be celebrated on Thursday, 28th November, at 7.30pm in St. Mary’s Church, Loughmacrory.
Keenan (154 Loughmacrory Road- formerly Foremass Road Sixmilecross) October 26th, 2024
Michael (Mickey), peacefully at South West Hospital.
Devoted husband of Brigid (nee McCallan), dear Father of Sinéad (PJ), Elaine (Dara) and Ryan (Edel), devoted grandfather of Aodhán, Odhrán & Tadhg. Brother of Donal, Mary, Colm and the late Hughie RIP. Loving son of the late Hugh & Margaret Keenan RIP.
Remains leaving his late residence at 10.15am on Wednesday 30th October for 11am requiem mass in St. Mary’s Church, Loughmacrory.
Deeply regretted by his sorrowing wife, son, daughters and their partners; grandchildren, brothers, sister, brother in law, sisters in law, nephews, nieces and extended family circle.
St Padre Pio pray for him.
FMC Funeral Services
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Please share a photograph of the late Michael (Mickey) with their family
Months Mind Service
28 November 2024, 7:30 pmSt. Mary’s Church, Loughmacrory
Funeral/Service of thanksgiving Details
30 October 2024, 11:00amSt. Mary’s Church, Loughmacrory.
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Burial/Cremation Details
St. Mary’s Cemetery, Loughmacrory.
Noeleen Costello
Tracey Clune
Alison Farnan
Mairead Guinan
Carol Brogan