Date of Death: Friday 11th August 2023 Town: Pomeroy
Date of Death: Friday 11th August 2023

When I come to the end of my journey
And I travel my last weary mile
Just forget if you can, that I ever frowned
And remember only the smile

Then forget to grieve for my going
I would not have you sad for a day
But in summer just gather some flowers
And remember the place where I lay

And come in the shade of evening
When the sun paints the sky in the west
Stand for a few moments beside me
And remember only my best

Mickey’s family will observe the first anniversary of his passing on Sunday August 11th at 9:30am in The Church of the Immaculate Conception, Altmore.




Date of death Friday 11th August 2023

Cherished father to Imelda (Joe) and the late Michael and Siobhan RIP, husband to Teresa, grandfather, brother, brother-in-law, uncle and brother of the recently deceased Paul RIP
We, the entire family of the late Mickey McGoldrick wish to thank most sincerely all of those who sympathised with us during our recent bereavement.

We would like to thank Loy Medical Centre, Cookstown and all the nurses, doctors and staff of Craigavon Area Hospital for the support, care and compassion they gave to Mickey during his illness. We also thank Caroline from Sperrin Court for all her care and support.
We sincerely thank everyone who attended the wake and funeral, sent mass cards, flowers and messages of sympathy.

A very special thank you to Mickey’s brother Mark and his wife Mona for carrying out Mickey’s wishes and opening their home for his wake and final send off.

Also, we thank all of Mickey’s friends and neighbours (it would be impossible to name you all), who helped during the wake and assisted with parking, stewarding, and preparing Mickey’s final resting place where he is once again with his son Michael and his daughter Siobhan, may they all rest in peace.

We wish to express our sincere appreciation to all the clergy who were there for Mickey and our family, especially Fr. David Moore for his support, compassion and guidance throughout the wake and funeral and for his ongoing friendship and support. The homily for Mickey described him and his life to a T and gave us a few laughs when we really needed them.

Thanks to Sinead Willox, Helen Donnelly and Pat Casey for the beautiful singing and music at Mickey’s Requiem Mass and to everyone who read and brought up gifts.

Heartfelt thanks to Kate McAleer and Peter Murphy for their truly dignified, sincere and professional way in which they carried out the wake and funeral arrangements and for her true friendship and support.

Thanks to Quinn’s Corner for the beautiful food they prepared that was thoroughly enjoyed in Galbally Community Centre, thank you for the use of your hall and facilities.

Given that it is impossible to thank everyone individually, we trust that this acknowledgement will be accepted by all as a token of our deep appreciation.

Mickey’s months mind mass will take place on Wednesday September 13th at 7:30pm in the Church of the Immaculate Conception, Altmore.

When I come to the end of my journey
And I travel my last weary mile
Just forget if you can, that I ever frowned
And remember only the smile

Then forget to grieve for my going
I would not have you sad for a day
But in summer just gather some flowers
And remember the place where I lay

And come in the shade of evening
When the sun paints the sky in the west
Stand for a few moments beside me
And remember only my best

Mickey’s family will observe the first anniversary of his passing on Sunday August 11th at 9:30am in The Church of the Immaculate Conception, Altmore.




Date of death Friday 11th August 2023

Cherished father to Imelda (Joe) and the late Michael and Siobhan RIP, husband to Teresa, grandfather, brother, brother-in-law, uncle and brother of the recently deceased Paul RIP
We, the entire family of the late Mickey McGoldrick wish to thank most sincerely all of those who sympathised with us during our recent bereavement.

We would like to thank Loy Medical Centre, Cookstown and all the nurses, doctors and staff of Craigavon Area Hospital for the support, care and compassion they gave to Mickey during his illness. We also thank Caroline from Sperrin Court for all her care and support.
We sincerely thank everyone who attended the wake and funeral, sent mass cards, flowers and messages of sympathy.

A very special thank you to Mickey’s brother Mark and his wife Mona for carrying out Mickey’s wishes and opening their home for his wake and final send off.

Also, we thank all of Mickey’s friends and neighbours (it would be impossible to name you all), who helped during the wake and assisted with parking, stewarding, and preparing Mickey’s final resting place where he is once again with his son Michael and his daughter Siobhan, may they all rest in peace.

We wish to express our sincere appreciation to all the clergy who were there for Mickey and our family, especially Fr. David Moore for his support, compassion and guidance throughout the wake and funeral and for his ongoing friendship and support. The homily for Mickey described him and his life to a T and gave us a few laughs when we really needed them.

Thanks to Sinead Willox, Helen Donnelly and Pat Casey for the beautiful singing and music at Mickey’s Requiem Mass and to everyone who read and brought up gifts.

Heartfelt thanks to Kate McAleer and Peter Murphy for their truly dignified, sincere and professional way in which they carried out the wake and funeral arrangements and for her true friendship and support.

Thanks to Quinn’s Corner for the beautiful food they prepared that was thoroughly enjoyed in Galbally Community Centre, thank you for the use of your hall and facilities.

Given that it is impossible to thank everyone individually, we trust that this acknowledgement will be accepted by all as a token of our deep appreciation.

Mickey’s months mind mass will take place on Wednesday September 13th at 7:30pm in the Church of the Immaculate Conception, Altmore.

McGoldrick (Shanmaghery, Altmore) 11th August 2023, peacefully at Craigavon Hospital, surrounded by his loving family, Mickey, beloved husband to Theresa, cherished father to Imelda (Joe) and the late Siobhan and Michael RIP. Doting grandfather to Nadine, Eimear and Michael. Much loved brother of Sean, Mary, Laurence, Mark, Philomena, Sheila, Helen, Patricia, Dolores, Sarah and Paul.

Mickey is reposing at his brother Mark’s home 63 Shanmaghery Rd. BT70 2TT until removal Monday for 11am mass in The Church of the Immaculate Conception, interment afterwards in the adjoining cemetery.

House private Monday morning until 10am please.

Our Lady pray for him.

Deeply loved and missed by his sorrowing daughter and her partner, his wife and their grandchildren, brothers, sisters, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, nieces, nephews, entire family circle, neighbours and friends.

Any enquiries to McAleer Bros. Funeral Directors 07824 648742

McAleer Bros.

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