Bernadette (Bernie) O'HARE

Date of Death: Sunday 22nd December 2024 Town: Armagh
Date of Death: Sunday 22nd December 2024

We, the family of the late Bernadette O’Hare would like to thank everyone who sympathised with us during our recent passing of our much beloved wife, mother, mother-in-law, grandmother, daughter, sister, sister-in-law, aunt and friend to many.
To all who visited the home, sent cards, letters, messages, telephoned, brought food, shared so many wonderful stories or helped in anyway and those who attended the funeral or sent donations in lieu of Southern Area Hospice, we appreciate their support and are eternally grateful. A heartfelt thanks to Fr Greg Carvill for his support and for the beautiful Requiem Mass.
A special thanks to Cathy Kelly, for the beautiful singing and music throughout the funeral service.
A special thanks to Martin and Team from Martin Kelly Funeral Directors for caring for Bernadette so considerately and for the help and support he gave us throughout.
A thanks also to Armagh Harps and Social Club and Our T’s for the catering and refreshments after the funeral service.
As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, we hope that this acknowledgment will be accepted as a token of our gratitude.

Bernadette’s Months Mind will be held on Monday 27th January at 7.30pm in St Patrick’s Church, Ballymacnab.
A beautiful soul never to be forgotten, by her entire family circle and friends.

We, the family of the late Bernadette O’Hare would like to thank everyone who sympathised with us during our recent passing of our much beloved wife, mother, mother-in-law, grandmother, daughter, sister, sister-in-law, aunt and friend to many.
To all who visited the home, sent cards, letters, messages, telephoned, brought food, shared so many wonderful stories or helped in anyway and those who attended the funeral or sent donations in lieu of Southern Area Hospice, we appreciate their support and are eternally grateful. A heartfelt thanks to Fr Greg Carvill for his support and for the beautiful Requiem Mass.
A special thanks to Cathy Kelly, for the beautiful singing and music throughout the funeral service.
A special thanks to Martin and Team from Martin Kelly Funeral Directors for caring for Bernadette so considerately and for the help and support he gave us throughout.
A thanks also to Armagh Harps and Social Club and Our T’s for the catering and refreshments after the funeral service.
As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, we hope that this acknowledgment will be accepted as a token of our gratitude.

Bernadette’s Months Mind will be held on Monday 27th January at 7.30pm in St Patrick’s Church, Ballymacnab.
A beautiful soul never to be forgotten, by her entire family circle and friends.

O’HARE Bernadette (Bernie) (Armagh) 22nd December 2024, suddenly, may she rest in peace, beloved wife of Tony and loving mother to Leona, Martin, Anthony, Louise, Emma and Megan and beloved daughter of Joe and Sheila. 174 Abbey Park BT618BG.

Bernie’s remains will repose at her late home from 7pm this evening, (Christmas day strictly private please) until removal on St Stephens day at 10.15am to the Church of St Patrick, Ballymacnab for 11am Requiem Mass, burial afterwards in the adjoining cemetery.

May his love enfold you, may his strength sustain you, may his courage breath upon your soul, and when the darkness comes, when earths last tapers flickers in the storm, may his light be yours, Amen.

Very deeply regretted by his sorrowing husband, sons, daughter, father, mother, grandchildren Eoghan, Sofia, Mya, Brody, Hollie, Ella-Mae, Aodha, Molly and Aoife, brothers, sisters, brothers in law, sisters in law, nephews, nieces and the entire family circle.

Family flowers only please, donations in lieu, if desired, for Newry Hospice c/o Donation box in home, any family member or to Martin Kelly Funeral Directors 10a Moore Island Road, Armagh Bt618lx. Any further enquiries 02837510600

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