Date of Death: Friday 26th November 2021 Town: Carrickmore
Date of Death: Friday 26th November 2021

The family of the late Peter Donaghy of Sultin, Carrickmore who died on 26th November 2021 would like to thank most sincerely all those who empathised and sympathised with us at a very sad and difficult time.
Peter is dearly beloved husband of the late Bridie RIP and cherished father to Nuala, Brendan, Raymond and Dermot. He is much loved brother of Michael and the late John and Paddy RIP. He is adored by his grandchildren Roisin, Cara and Padraig and his daughter in law Kathleen.
We offer our heartfelt thanks to family, friends, relatives, neighbours and well-wishers for their genuine kindness and who assisted us in every possible aspect.
We would like to thank all those who attended the wake, funeral and burial and who provided emotional and practical support for us during our grief. For those who telephoned, sent cards and messages of condolences, we are truly grateful.
A special word of thanks to the Paramedics, all staff in South West Acute Hospital (Emergency Department and Critical Care Unit) for their care and compassion throughout.
Thank you to those who helped in preparation for the wake and parking marshals during the wake and all who worked tirelessly making tea and attending to everyone’s needs. Thank you to Kate McAleer & Co funeral directors, for their sensitive and professional handling of arrangements. To the grave diggers.
To Fr Kerr and Fr O’Neill who offered spiritual support and guidance. To Fr O’Neill who carried out Funeral Requiem Mass and Celebration of Life.To all those who participated in reading, Eucharistic Ministers  and for Jackie Fox and Eamonn Donnelly for the beautiful singing and music.
To the Charm Inn for their lovely meal and hospitality following Dad’s funeral.
Thank you to those who helped in any way, your contribution made our loss more bearable. As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this acknowledgement as an expression of our deepest appreciation and gratitude.
The Month’s Mind Mass for Peter Donaghy will be held on Sunday 26th December in St Colmcille’s Church, Carrickmore at 11.30am.

St Padre Pio and Our Lady of Knock pray for Peter.

The family of the late Peter Donaghy of Sultin, Carrickmore who died on 26th November 2021 would like to thank most sincerely all those who empathised and sympathised with us at a very sad and difficult time.
Peter is dearly beloved husband of the late Bridie RIP and cherished father to Nuala, Brendan, Raymond and Dermot. He is much loved brother of Michael and the late John and Paddy RIP. He is adored by his grandchildren Roisin, Cara and Padraig and his daughter in law Kathleen.
We offer our heartfelt thanks to family, friends, relatives, neighbours and well-wishers for their genuine kindness and who assisted us in every possible aspect.
We would like to thank all those who attended the wake, funeral and burial and who provided emotional and practical support for us during our grief. For those who telephoned, sent cards and messages of condolences, we are truly grateful.
A special word of thanks to the Paramedics, all staff in South West Acute Hospital (Emergency Department and Critical Care Unit) for their care and compassion throughout.
Thank you to those who helped in preparation for the wake and parking marshals during the wake and all who worked tirelessly making tea and attending to everyone’s needs. Thank you to Kate McAleer & Co funeral directors, for their sensitive and professional handling of arrangements. To the grave diggers.
To Fr Kerr and Fr O’Neill who offered spiritual support and guidance. To Fr O’Neill who carried out Funeral Requiem Mass and Celebration of Life.To all those who participated in reading, Eucharistic Ministers  and for Jackie Fox and Eamonn Donnelly for the beautiful singing and music.
To the Charm Inn for their lovely meal and hospitality following Dad’s funeral.
Thank you to those who helped in any way, your contribution made our loss more bearable. As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this acknowledgement as an expression of our deepest appreciation and gratitude.
The Month’s Mind Mass for Peter Donaghy will be held on Sunday 26th December in St Colmcille’s Church, Carrickmore at 11.30am.

St Padre Pio and Our Lady of Knock pray for Peter.

DONAGHY (Sultin, Carrickmore) 26th November 2021, Peter, dearly beloved husband of the late Bridie RIP and cherished father to Nuala, Brendan, Raymond and Dermot. Much loved brother of Michael and the late John and Paddy RIP. Adored by his grandchildren Roisin, Cara and Padraig and his daughter-in-law Kathleen.

Peter will repose at home 51 Loughmallon Road, BT79 9BW from this evening (Saturday) until removal on Monday morning for 11am Mass at The Church of Saint Colmcille, Carrickmore, interment afterwards in the adjoining cemetery.

Padre Pio pray for him.

Very deeply regretted by his sorrowing daughter, sons, daughter-in-law, grandchildren, brother, sister-in-law, entire family circle, neighbours and friends.

Any enquiries to McAleer Bros Funeral Directors 07824 648742

McAleer Bros.

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Very sorry to hear of Peter’s death. Bridie and Peter enjoyed visiting my mum (Lena Farley nee Kerr) over the years. I have good memories of these visits. Mum and dad enjoyed catching up with Bridie and Peter. Mary Darcy (nee Farley).

Mary Darcy

Deepest sympathies to Peters sons, daughter and family circle from the Conlon family Drumhirk Castlecaulfield. Peter was a real gentle man with a fantastic memory! RIP Peter

Michael Conlon

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