Rose WARNOCK (nee Campbell)

Date of Death: Tuesday 9th July 2024 Town: Trillick
Date of Death: Tuesday 9th July 2024

WARNOCK (nee Campbell) Rose, Trillick, Co Tyrone, formerly of 20 Crossan Road, died peacefully at her son Kieran’s residence 19 Crossan Road, Trillick, BT78 3TW on Tuesday 9th July 2024, surrounded by her loving family.

Beloved wife of the late Willie. Treasured mother of Gerard (Eileen), Tina Mullan (PJ), Bernie Timoney (Gabriel), Teresa McCarroll (P), Liam (Mary), Kieran (Mary), Declan (Margretta) and the late baby Patrick. Loving and devoted grandmother to her 20 grandchildren and 15 great grandchildren. Cherished sister of the late John, Susan, Bridie Houston and Hugh. Sister in law of Maureen Warnock and Gretta Dillon.

Rose will be reposing in her son Kieran’s residence from 10am on Wednesday 10th July. There will be a shuttle bus service from Togherdoo Methodist Church, Galbally Road from 3pm until 10pm on Wednesday and Thursday. Rose will leave Kieran’s residence at 2.15pm on Friday 12th July for 3pm requiem Mass in St Macartan’s Church, Trillick followed by her burial afterwards in the adjoining cemetery.

For those who wish to show a presence on the funeral route, Rose will travel from the Crossan Road, along the Newpark Road, Main Street and Kilskeery Road to arrive at St Macartan’s Church at 2.50pm.

Deeply regretted and sadly missed by her loving sons, daughters, daughters in law, sons-in-law, grandchildren, great grandchildren, sisters in law, nephews, nieces and entire family circle and friends. Our Lady pray for her.

McAtee Funeral Directors.

Safely Home

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