Angela COLLINS (née Crozier)

The family of the late Angela Collins (née Croizer) R.I.P. would like to express their heartfelt thanks to all those who sympathised and supported them through their recent bereavement. We sincerely thank those who sent Mass cards, sympathy cards, flowers, and messages, provided food and expressed their condolences through telephone and social media. It is very much appreciated. We would like to thank Fr Paddy Doherty for his support and guidance during our bereavement and for the beautiful Requiem Mass.
Thanks to all those who attended the Requiem Mass and to Una McGill for the beautiful music and the John O’Neill for preparing the grave.
A sincere thanks to Michael and Nicholas from J A Gormley Funeral Directors, Maghera for their dignified, compassionate and professional service.
As it is impossible to thank everyone individually we hope this acknowledgement will be accepted as a token of our heartfelt thanks for all the kindness and comfort we have received during their bereavement.
Angela was much loved and valued member of our family and will be sorely missed.
Angela’s Month’s Mind Mass will be celebrated in St. Patrick’s Church, Glen at 7:30pm on Friday 8th April 2022.
COLLINS (née Crozier) Angela – Maghera (formerly Coolnasilla Park East, Belfast) Angela R.I.P. Peacefully.
Dearly beloved wife of Dr Christopher and much loved mother of Christopher F, Stephen, Mark, Jonathan and Niall. Devoted daughter of the late Charles and Kathleen and sister of Kevin, Ursula, Michael, Francis, Luke and Ciaran.
House private please. Funeral from her home, 11 Craigadick Road, BT46 5DB on Saturday March 12th 2022 at 9.25am for 10am Requiem Mass in St Patrick’s Church, Glen. Interment afterwards in adjoining cemetery. Sacred Heart of Jesus have mercy on her soul.
Deeply regretted by her sorrowing husband, sons, daughter in law Aine, brothers, sister, nephews, nieces, brothers in law, sisters in law and family circle.
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Months Mind Service
08 April 2022, 7:30 pmSt. Patrick’s Church, Glen
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Funeral/Service of thanksgiving Details
12 March 2022, 10:00amSt Patrick's Church, Glen
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Burial/Cremation Details
St Patrick's Churchyard, Glen
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