Henry (Dúbh) DEVLIN

We the family of the late Henry Devlin wish to offer our sincere thanks to everyone who sympathised in the recent bereavement of our beloved husband, father, grandfather, brother and uncle.
Thank you to everyone who called at the family home, sent mass cards, sympathy cards, floral tributes, brought food and assisted during the wake.
A special acknowledgment to Fr. McGuigan PP and Fr. McGinley who celebrated the Requiem Mass, Cathy and Siobhán for the beautiful music, Lavery’s Funeral Directors for their professional, dignified manner and for guiding us throughout the funeral arrangements, Kinturk Hall for providing food after the funeral mass and to the gravediggers, Finn and Gerard.
A special word of thanks to Coagh Medical Centre, Coagh Pharmacy, Antrim Area Hospital, Ardboe double care team, district nurses, Marie Curie, Ann’s Care and Cove Manor Nursing Home who all cared for Henry throughout his illness.
Finally, thank you to Moortown St. Malachy’s GAC for assisting with parking at the wake and for the Guard of Honour.
It is impossible to thank everyone personally, we trust you will accept this acknowledgment as a token of our gratitude.
Henry’s Months Mind mass will take place on Monday 4th October at 7.30pm in The Church of The Immaculate Conception Moortown.
DEVLIN Henry (Dúbh) Died on 7th September 2021, peacefully at his home,75 Kinturk Road, Morton, surrounded by his loving family.
Dearly beloved husband of Mary and much loved father of Louise, Ann Marie, Cathal and Colleen, and brother of Francie, May (Devlin), Kathleen (O’Keefe), Patricia (Donnelly), Patsy, Sean, Eugene, Eamon and the late Christy R.I.P.
Remains will be removed from his home 75 Kinturk Road, to The Church of The Immaculate Conception Moortown for 11am Requiem Mass on Thursday 9th September and will be streamed via Church webcam (link below). Interment afterwards in the adjoining Cemetery. Sacred Heart of Jesus have mercy on his soul.
Deeply regretted by his sorrowing wife, daughters, son, grandchildren Aimee, Leah, Shéa, Jonah, Senán, Róssa, brothers, sisters, nephews, nieces and extended family circle.
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Months Mind Service
04 October 2021, 7:30 pmThe Church of The Immaculate Conception Moortown
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Funeral/Service of thanksgiving Details
09 September 2021, 11:00amChurch of The Immaculate Conception Moortown
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Burial/Cremation Details
The Immaculate Conception Cemetery, Moortown