Phelim Bernard DEVLIN

Denise and Claire, the wife and daughter of the Late Phelim Devlin wish to express our sincere and heartfelt gratitude to all our kind relatives, friends and neighbours who supported us during our recent bereavement.
Our sincere gratitude to Fr. Slater for his spiritual support and guidance and for celebrating Phelim’s beautiful Requiem Mass. A special word of thanks to the Church Sacristan and to Andrea Begley for providing the lovely music and singing which made Phelim’s Funeral Mass so special.
We are indebted to all those who supported us, sent Mass cards, sympathy cards, letters, messages, wreathes, floral tributes, and expressed their condolences via telephone and social media. Thank you to those who stood along the route as we made the journey from the family Home. We took great comfort on the morning of the funeral from the support of everyone, while respecting social distancing regulations, lined the funeral cortege route, from those who joined us at the Chapel, and from those who viewed Phelim’s funeral Mass online.
A special word of thanks to the gravediggers who prepared Phelim’s resting place with great care and to all those who helped us in any way.
We would sincerely like to thank Niall A Loughran Funeral Directors for their very efficient, dignified and professional manner in which they carried out all the funeral arrangements during these difficult times.
As it is not possible to thank everyone individually, we trust this acknowledgement will be accepted as a small gesture of our sincere appreciation. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for all your intentions.
Phelim’s Months Mind Mass will be celebrated on Saturday 6th November at 10am in Holy Trinity Church, Cookstown.
DEVLIN Phelim Bernard died on October 7th 2021. Late of 36 Claggan Park, Cookstown.
Beloved husband of Denise (nee Murray). Devoted father of Claire and also Claire’s partner Matthew. Precious brother of Geraldine (Bradley), Brenda (Devlin), Jane (Cairnduff), Conor, Stephen and also the late Honor and Declan R.I.P. Cherished son in-law of Francis and Rosaleen Murray.
Phelim’s remains will leave his family home on Monday at 11.30am for 12noon Requiem Mass in Holy Trinity Church, Cookstown, burial afterwards in Forthill Cemetery, Cookstown.
Deeply regretted and sadly missed by his wife, daughter, brothers, sisters, sisters-in-law, brothers-in-law, nieces, nephews, neighbours, friends and his entire family circle. Mother of Perpetual Help pray for him. Covid restrictions apply, please adhere to social distancing.
Donations in lieu if desired to Cookstown Mental Health Group, c/o the family.
Family Home Private on morning of funeral.
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Months Mind Service
06 November 2021, 10:00 amHoly Trinity Church, Cookstown
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Funeral/Service of thanksgiving Details
11 October 2021, 12:00pmHoly Trinity Church, Cookstown
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Burial/Cremation Details
Forthill Cemetery, Cookstown