Janet DOWNEY (née O’Kane)
Tony, Annie and the entire family circle of the late Janet R.I.P. wish to express their sincere thanks to all those who sympathised with them in their recent sudden bereavement.
A special thanks to Fr. McCaughan for his spiritual support, guidance, pastoral care and celebrating the beautiful Requiem Mass.
Thanks to the NHSCT Choir for the beautiful music, the sacristan Noel and Aidan Reid who prepared the grave.
The family wish to especially thank the kind relatives, friends, neighbours and members of the wider community who helped them during this difficult time. Special thanks to all the nurses who provided the guard of honour. Thanks to those who messaged, sent cards, sent donations and those who gathered along the route to the Church on the day of the funeral, we are truly grateful.
Special thanks to Eily McKiernan and the McKiernan Family for all the help and support they gave to us during this difficult time, the professional way they looked after the funeral arrangements and their ongoing pastoral care to all the family.
The Holy sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for the intentions of all.
The month mind Mass for Janet will be celebrated on Friday 4th March at 7pm in Our Lady & St. Patrick’s Church, Ballymoney.
DOWNEY (née O’Kane) Janet. Late of 16 Route Meadows, Ballymoney, formerly Lavey.
Beloved wife of the late Paul. Precious daughter of Tony & Annie; much loved sister of Anthony, Mairead (Devlin), Stephen Paula (O’Hagan) and a cherished sister-in-law and aunt.
Our Lady of Lourdes pray for her.
Funeral from her late residence, 16 Route Meadows, on Wednesday at 11:20am for 12 Noon Requiem Mass in Our Lady & St. Patrick’s Church, Ballymoney. Interment afterwards in adjoining cemetery. (Requiem Mass can be viewed on Our Lady & St. Patrick’s, Ballymoney YouTube channel.)
Enquiries: McKiernans Funeral Directors
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Months Mind Service
04 March 2022, 7:00 pmOur Lady & St. Patrick’s Church, Ballymoney
Funeral/Service of thanksgiving Details
02 February 2022, 12:00pmOur Lady & St. Patrick’s Church, Ballymoney
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