The family of the late David Fleet wish to express our heartfelt thanks for the love and support shown to us following the death of much loved husband, father, grandfather and son-in-law.
We appreciate and thank all our relatives, friends, neighbours and the wider community who called, sent messages of sympathy through social media, mass cards, sympathy cards and to all those who lined the funeral route or attended the service.
A special word of thanks to the Renal Unit and the doctors and nurses of Antrim Area Hospital. Also Dalriada district nurses for their exceptional care and the staff of Gillan’s Chemist, Cushendall for their help and support during David’s illness.
Sincere thanks to Very Rev Fr Whiteford who provided great comfort and support at our time of loss and for celebrating the funeral service. To Catherine Hamilton for the beautiful singing and to Martina at Bradley’s Costcutters, Cushendall for providing the refreshments after the service.
Our appreciation is also extended to Cunning Funeral Directors, Carnlough for the dignified way in which the funeral arrangements were carried out.
As we cannot thank everyone individually we trust this acknowledgement will be accepted as a token of our appreciation.
The Fleet Family, Cushendall.
FLEET David passed away on 13th September 2021, may he Rest In Peace. Late of 8 Riverside, Cushendall, and formerly of London.
Loving husband of Debbie and a devoted father to Anne-Marie, Rebecca & Kieran, Holly and Shéa. A cherished Grandad of Lorcan and Cohan.
David’s service can be viewed on the link below on Thursday 16th at 11.30am, committal afterwards in adjoining churchyard.
St. Teresa pray for him.
Enquiries: Cunning Funeral Directors.
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Funeral/Service of thanksgiving Details
16 September 2021, 11:30amSt Mary's Church , Cushendall
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Burial/Cremation Details
St Mary's Churchyard , Cushendall