Baby Evan Stanley HAMILTON
The Parents of the late Baby Evan Stanley Hamilton, wish to thank most sincerely all those who sympathised with them in their recent sad bereavement.
Especially the midwives in attendance, Joan, Rachel and Kerrie, and all at Craigavon Area Hospital Delivery Suite and MLU.
We wish to thank our minister Rev. Peter Thompson for all his pastoral care and attention throughout. Also, to the organist Donna Thompson; the Gravediggers Noel & Jason Ferry, and the Sexton and Caretaker.
Many thanks to The Diamond, for providing catering after the funeral service.
To all the kind Family, Friends and Neighbours who called at the home, brought gifts, sent cards and messages of sympathy, telephoned, sent floral tributes and gave donations to SANDS Charity; those who attended the funeral or helped in any way.
Finally, we wish to thank Dereck Marshall and Sons, Funeral Directors, Dungannon for the dignified, professional and supportive manner in which they conducted the funeral arrangements.
Trusting this acknowledgement will be accepted by all as a token of our appreciation.
40 Blackberry Lane, Newmills.
HAMILTON Baby Evan Stanley – August 3rd, 2023.
Evan Stanley, infant still born baby boy of Roger & Jill and dear brother of Archie, 40 Blackberry Lane, Dungannon.
Funeral Service on Friday 11th August in St. Michael’s Church, Castlecaulfield at 2.00 p.m. followed by interment in adjoining Churchyard.
Will be lovingly remembered by his Family and all the Family Circle.
“Safe in the arms of Jesus”
Dereck Marshall & Sons Funeral Directors.
Safely Home
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