The family of the late Sasha wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to all those who sympathised, prayed for and supported us through our recent sad bereavement. Sasha was a much loved daughter, cherished sister, treasured granddaughter and aunt, and friend to many.
We are overwhelmed and greatly comforted by the numerous messages of condolence, Mass and sympathy cards, phone calls and acts of kindness received during this difficult time from many different people. Sincere thanks to our extended family, friends and neighbours who helped out in so many ways, to help us grieve as a family. We would especially like to thank Seana and Kerry for all their help and support to our family, and during the wake and funeral.
Our thanks to those who joined us at the funeral Mass both in person and online and thank you to those that stood along the funeral route to pay their respects to Sasha as she made her final journey.
We would like to convey a special word of thanks to Father Declan McGeehan for the comforting requiem Mass and his spiritual support and to Father Kevin McElhennon PP for his spiritual support and prayers. Our appreciation also to everyone who assisted with the Mass, especially the Sacristan, readers and our singer Donna Taggart who provided the beautiful music. Our grateful thanks to Loreto Convent Grammar School for providing the Guard of Honour.
Thank you to McAtee Funeral Directors for the dignified and professional manner in which the funeral arrangements were carried out, and to the gravedigger for preparing Sasha’s final resting place.
As it is not possible to thank everyone individually, we hope that this acknowledgement will be accepted as a token of our sincere appreciation.
Sasha is loved and missed every day, may she be granted eternal rest. Her Month’s Mind Mass will be celebrated in Christ the King Church, Omagh on Thursday 8th June 2023 at 7.30pm.
Our Lady Pray for her.
HARKIN Sasha – Omagh, Co Tyrone, formerly of 19 Castletown Square, Fintona, died suddenly at home, on Sunday 7th May 2023.
Beloved daughter of Louise and John. Treasured sister of Cassandra (Ben), Nathan (Nicole), Leona (Sammy), Tyrone, Michaela and Shania. Loving and devoted Auntie of Khaleesi and Kailo. Granddaughter of Ann Harkin.
Sasha will be reposing in her parent’s residence 26 Killybrack Mews, Omagh, BT79 7FB from 10am until 10pm on Thursday 11th May and Friday 12th May 2023.
Sasha will leave her parents residence at 9.40am on Saturday 13th May for 10am requiem Mass in St Mary’s Church, Killyclogher. For those who wish to show a presence on the funeral route, Sasha will travel from Killybrack Mews and along the Glencam Road, Old Mountfield Road and Tirquin Road to arrive at St Mary’s Church at 9.55am.
Deeply regretted and sadly missed by her loving mother, father, sisters, brothers, grandmother, in laws, niece, nephew and entire family circle and friends. “Our Lady pray for her”.
McAtee Funeral Directors.
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Please share a photograph of the late Sasha with their family
Months Mind Service
08 June 2023, 7:30 pmChrist the King Church, Omagh
Funeral/Service of thanksgiving Details
Nathan Mcglinchey