Josie (Sarah Josephine) KIRK

Safely Home
Date of Death: Wednesday 16th August 2023 Town: Omagh
Date of Death: Wednesday 16th August 2023

The family of the late Josie Kirk wish to express our sincere thanks and heartfelt appreciation to all who sympathised with us in our recent sad bereavement.

Thank you to everyone who came to the wake and attended the funeral, to those who could not be with us and who joined us online, to all who sent Mass cards, Sympathy cards, letters of condolence, telephone/social media messages and floral tributes.

We extend our sincere gratitude to all who worked tirelessly providing refreshments throughout the wake, to those who brought provisions, to Liz Conneely for preparing the dinner for the gravediggers, to Barry and Aideen Morris and Staff from O’Neills Centra for their invaluable help at short notice.

Thank you to the the McAleer Family for the use of their field for parking, to all who assisted with parking arrangements at the wake and at the Chapel. Thanks also to Cathal Armstrong for supplying the marquee and to Damien McDermott and Niall McAleer for the lighting.

Sincere thanks to the Doctors and Staff of Carrickmore Health Centre, especially Dr. Corry, Dr. Devlin, Dr. McCullagh and Doctors on Call for their dedicated care of Mum over the years. We also express our thanks to Tina Coney and the District Nursing Team, our Home Chiropodists, Occupational Therapists, Dieticians and our Social Services Staff, especially Cathal Finlay, who all ensured that Mum was able to be cared for at home which meant so much to all of us. Thanks also to Gordon’s Chemist, Omagh, Corry’s Chemist, Gortin and Hartes Chemist, Carrickmore for supplying Mum’s medical needs.

We are indebted to our dedicated team of Carers from Glencaring, especially Patricia Donnelly, Aideen Morris, Carol Anne Greenan, Zenda Elliott and Toni Campbell as well as those who cared for Mum in the past, Kyra Donnelly, Nora McVeigh, Kathleen McCrory, Mary Ballantine, Rosemary Bradley, Oisin Hegarty and Marie Tracey. We deeply appreciate their compassion and tender care of Mum.

We gratefully acknowledge all our extended family, neighbours and friends who faithfully visited Mum over the years, bringing a smile to her face by reminiscing about bygone days and often enjoying a wee rendition of “Shoe the Donkey.”
We also thank Margaret McCrory for her weekly visits, ensuring that Mum’s hair was always done to perfection.

A special word of thanks to Fr. Brian Donnelly for celebrating Mum’s Requiem Mass and for his fitting tribute to Mum. Thank you also to his con-celebrants, Monsignor Danny Monaghan, Fr. Mark Monaghan and Fr. Paddy Hughes. We would also like to acknowledge the spiritual care and guidance offered during the past year by Fr. Roland Colhoun on his regular visits to Mum.

A special thank you also to Mum’s former Parish Priests, Fr. John Forbes and Fr. Eddie Gallagher. We would like you to know how much Mum and our family really appreciated your visits over the years. Thank you to Fr. Eugene Hasson for calling at the wake and to Fr. Michael McCaul for celebrating the beautiful Mass for Mum in Medjugorje. Thanks also to Fr. Francis Bradley and Fr. James Devine for their support.

We would also like to thank all who participated in Mum’s Requiem Mass by presenting the symbols, doing the Readings, Prayers of the Faithful, Post Communion Reflection and Prayer. Thank you to the Eucharistic Ministers, Eileen McKenna and Ellen Haughey, the Sacristans, Patsy McCrory and Jacqueline Flanagan. Thank you to Jackie Fox and Eamonn Donnelly for the beautiful music and singing which enhanced the Liturgy so much.
Thanks to Colm and Oonagh O’Neill for ensuring that those who were unable to attend the Funeral Mass were able to watch Facebook Live.

A special word of thanks to our Undertakers, Philip Morris, Michael McGuigan and Leo Donaghy for their efficiency and professionalism in carrying out the funeral arrangements. Thank you also to Eithna McGarvey McNamee who assisted with the arrangements.
We thank Mum’s kind neighbours who carefully prepared her final resting place and also thank the pall bearers. Thank you to Grainne Conway, Gabriel Brogan and Caoileann Maguire for the final rendition of “Shoe the Donkey” at the graveside. We’re sure Mum would have been smiling down!

Thank you to Colin Doyle and the Staff of the Shepherd’s Rest for providing the lovely meal after the funeral.

As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, we trust that this acknowledgement will be accepted as a token of our sincere appreciation. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for your intentions.

Mum’s Month Mind Mass will be held in St. Mary’s Church, Rouskey on Friday, 15th September at 7.30p.m
Our Lady of Medjugorje, Our Lady of Knock and Padre Pio pray for her.

The family of the late Josie Kirk wish to express our sincere thanks and heartfelt appreciation to all who sympathised with us in our recent sad bereavement.

Thank you to everyone who came to the wake and attended the funeral, to those who could not be with us and who joined us online, to all who sent Mass cards, Sympathy cards, letters of condolence, telephone/social media messages and floral tributes.

We extend our sincere gratitude to all who worked tirelessly providing refreshments throughout the wake, to those who brought provisions, to Liz Conneely for preparing the dinner for the gravediggers, to Barry and Aideen Morris and Staff from O’Neills Centra for their invaluable help at short notice.

Thank you to the the McAleer Family for the use of their field for parking, to all who assisted with parking arrangements at the wake and at the Chapel. Thanks also to Cathal Armstrong for supplying the marquee and to Damien McDermott and Niall McAleer for the lighting.

Sincere thanks to the Doctors and Staff of Carrickmore Health Centre, especially Dr. Corry, Dr. Devlin, Dr. McCullagh and Doctors on Call for their dedicated care of Mum over the years. We also express our thanks to Tina Coney and the District Nursing Team, our Home Chiropodists, Occupational Therapists, Dieticians and our Social Services Staff, especially Cathal Finlay, who all ensured that Mum was able to be cared for at home which meant so much to all of us. Thanks also to Gordon’s Chemist, Omagh, Corry’s Chemist, Gortin and Hartes Chemist, Carrickmore for supplying Mum’s medical needs.

We are indebted to our dedicated team of Carers from Glencaring, especially Patricia Donnelly, Aideen Morris, Carol Anne Greenan, Zenda Elliott and Toni Campbell as well as those who cared for Mum in the past, Kyra Donnelly, Nora McVeigh, Kathleen McCrory, Mary Ballantine, Rosemary Bradley, Oisin Hegarty and Marie Tracey. We deeply appreciate their compassion and tender care of Mum.

We gratefully acknowledge all our extended family, neighbours and friends who faithfully visited Mum over the years, bringing a smile to her face by reminiscing about bygone days and often enjoying a wee rendition of “Shoe the Donkey.”
We also thank Margaret McCrory for her weekly visits, ensuring that Mum’s hair was always done to perfection.

A special word of thanks to Fr. Brian Donnelly for celebrating Mum’s Requiem Mass and for his fitting tribute to Mum. Thank you also to his con-celebrants, Monsignor Danny Monaghan, Fr. Mark Monaghan and Fr. Paddy Hughes. We would also like to acknowledge the spiritual care and guidance offered during the past year by Fr. Roland Colhoun on his regular visits to Mum.

A special thank you also to Mum’s former Parish Priests, Fr. John Forbes and Fr. Eddie Gallagher. We would like you to know how much Mum and our family really appreciated your visits over the years. Thank you to Fr. Eugene Hasson for calling at the wake and to Fr. Michael McCaul for celebrating the beautiful Mass for Mum in Medjugorje. Thanks also to Fr. Francis Bradley and Fr. James Devine for their support.

We would also like to thank all who participated in Mum’s Requiem Mass by presenting the symbols, doing the Readings, Prayers of the Faithful, Post Communion Reflection and Prayer. Thank you to the Eucharistic Ministers, Eileen McKenna and Ellen Haughey, the Sacristans, Patsy McCrory and Jacqueline Flanagan. Thank you to Jackie Fox and Eamonn Donnelly for the beautiful music and singing which enhanced the Liturgy so much.
Thanks to Colm and Oonagh O’Neill for ensuring that those who were unable to attend the Funeral Mass were able to watch Facebook Live.

A special word of thanks to our Undertakers, Philip Morris, Michael McGuigan and Leo Donaghy for their efficiency and professionalism in carrying out the funeral arrangements. Thank you also to Eithna McGarvey McNamee who assisted with the arrangements.
We thank Mum’s kind neighbours who carefully prepared her final resting place and also thank the pall bearers. Thank you to Grainne Conway, Gabriel Brogan and Caoileann Maguire for the final rendition of “Shoe the Donkey” at the graveside. We’re sure Mum would have been smiling down!

Thank you to Colin Doyle and the Staff of the Shepherd’s Rest for providing the lovely meal after the funeral.

As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, we trust that this acknowledgement will be accepted as a token of our sincere appreciation. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for your intentions.

Mum’s Month Mind Mass will be held in St. Mary’s Church, Rouskey on Friday, 15th September at 7.30p.m
Our Lady of Medjugorje, Our Lady of Knock and Padre Pio pray for her.

KIRK Josie (Sarah Josephine) – August 16th 2023, formerly of Hilltop House, 79 Camcosy Road, Omagh. Died peacefully surrounded by her loving family at the home of her daughter Maria Bradley (the late Michael) 242 Gorticashel Road, Omagh BT79 7SB.

Beloved husband of the late Jim, beloved mother of Maria Bradley (the late Michael), Damien, Caroline Fox (Mickey), Celine Conaghan (Barney), Kathleen Lennon (Louie), Noleen Dooher (Charles), Josephine Rafferty (Mickey), sister of the late Kathleen and Anna McCrory, Mae Coyle and Bernadette Slane. Cherished grandmother and great-grandmother.

Reposing at Maria’s residence from 3pm, Wednesday 16th August 2023. Funeral leaving there at 10.15am on Friday 18th August 2023, travelling via Camcosy Road for 11am Requiem Mass in St Mary’s Church, Rouskey. Burial afterwards in the adjoining cemetery.

Will be forever loved and sadly missed by her dear family, relations, neighbours and friends. Our lady of Medjugorje pray for her.

Safely Home

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