Pauline (Polly) McGILLIN (née McCullagh)

The family of the late Polly McGillin (Nee McCullagh) wish to express their sincere thanks to all those who sympathised and supported us through our recent bereavement. Mummy was a widely respected, devoted and much-loved wife, mother and grandmother. Cherished sister, sister in law, aunt and friend. Mummy passed away peacefully at home surrounded by her loving family on the evening of 26th September. We as a family offer our deepest gratitude to all the medical and non- medical teams that assisted us in recent years. Without this dedicated help and support we could not have been able to provide Mummy the care in her own home. The support from “Our Carers”, Northwest Care, Night Angels, District Nursing and Marie Curie Nurses was invaluable with many individuals becoming extended family members (they know who they are) giving mum so much love
and laughter in recent months. Your excellent care, professional support, warmth, and diligence will never be forgotten. A special mention to Kevin Kelly and his colleagues at Kelly’s Chemist, Omagh for the support both in and out of hours for many years.
As a family we are humbled and greatly comforted by messages of condolence, mass and sympathy cards, phone calls, floral tributes and acts of kindness received during this difficult time from many different people.
Our thanks also those who joined us online, especially those that travelled long distances to support us. A special thank you to those that stood along the funeral route to pay their respects to mummy as she made her final journey, sincere thanks to our Aunt’s Peggy and Katie, friends and neighbours who helped out in so many ways, to help us grieve as a family.
A special word of thanks to Fr Donnelly PP (Plumbridge) for officiating Requiem Mass and supporting the family during this difficult time. To Fr Ignacys Saniuta for attending mum and administering the last rites, this was greatly appreciated and comforting to us all. Thanks to Shauna Poyntz and Eamon McElholm for providing the music for the funeral, it was very fitting for mummy. Stephen and Orla McQuaid (Omagh Printing) for providing the beautiful orders of service for the funeral mass and Judith Kempston (Floral Temptations) for the beautiful flowers in our home, funeral spray and church, mummy would have loved them. Joe and Shauna McCusker for assisting with the funeral dinner, the gravedigger and Kerlin Memorials for all the support they provided us in the days prior to mummy’s funeral preparing her final resting place. Finally, a special mention and sincere thanks to Pat McAtee (McAtee Funeral Directors) for the respectful, caring and dignified manner in which mummy’s funeral arrangements were conducted.
As it is not possible to thank everyone individually, we hope that this acknowledgement will be accepted as a token of our sincere appreciation.
Mummy’s (Polly’s) Months Mind Mass will be celebrated in the Sacred Heart Church, Omagh on Tuesday 26th October 2021 at 7.30pm. The Mass may also be viewed via the Drumragh Parish Webcam –
Mummy (Polly) was a mother so very rare, content at home and always there, on earth she toiled, in Heaven she rests, God bless you Mummy, you were one of the best. Sorely missed by Joanne, Marie, Susanne, Bernice, Barry, Sheila, Brian, Mickey, 17 Grandchildren and wider family circle x.
St. Anne pray for her.
McGILLIN (née McCullagh) Pauline (Polly) Died on Sunday 26th September 2021, peacefully at her late residence Corner House, 21 Drumconnelly Road, Tattyreagh BT78 1RR, surrounded by her loving family.
Beloved wife of the late Brian. Devoted mother to Joanne, Marie, Suzanne, Bernice, Barry, Sheila, Brian and Mickey. Cherished Grandmother to her 17 grandchildren. Much loved sister to Katie McAnnenny, Peggy Maguire and the late Aileen Mannion, Mary B Conway and John McCullagh.
Polly will be reposing in her late residence from 5pm on Monday 27th September. Polly will leave her late residence on Wednesday 29th September at 11am for 12 noon requiem mass in Sacred Heart Church Omagh, followed by her burial in St Mary’s Drumragh Cemetery.
For those who wish to show a presence along the funeral route, Polly will travel from the Drumconnelly Road, across the Seskinore Road, Drumconnelly Road, A5, Kevlin Road, John Street and James Street, to arrive at Sacred Heart Church for 11.50am. In light of the Coronavirus and in the interests of health and safety within the community, the house will be private with social distancing being adhered to at the funeral.
Deeply regretted by her loving daughters, sons, grandchildren, sisters, son’s in-laws, daughter’s in-laws, nephews, nieces and entire family circle. Our Lady pray for her.
Enquiries: McAtee Funeral Directors.
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Months Mind Service
26 October 2021, 7:30 pmSacred Heart Church, Omagh
Click here to watch the ceremony online -
Funeral/Service of thanksgiving Details
29 September 2021, 11:00amSacred Heart Church Omagh
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Burial/Cremation Details
St Mary’s Drumragh Cemetery