The brothers, sisters and the extended family circle of the late Brian McGuigan wish to express our sincere thanks to everyone who sympathised with us in our sad bereavement on 1st October 2021 of a much loved brother, uncle and friend. A special thanks to Fr. Madden for the celebration of the Requiem Mass and also to Fr. Downey, Fr. O’Neill and Fr. McGinley. Thanks to Moira Crawley for providing lovely music and singing to accompany the Mass and many thanks to the Sacristan’s and Eucharistic minister.
Thanks to everyone who came to the removal of Brian’s remains, telephoned, posted messages on social media, sent Mass Cards, Sympathy Cards and attended the funeral.
Sincere thanks to the McCusker brothers, Funeral Directors for the dignified and compassionate manner in which they conducted the funeral arrangements and thanks also to the grave diggers.
Heartfelt thanks to Dr Gary Benson and staff of the Haematology Unit, to the doctors and staff in ward 2B of the Cancer Unit and Fr. Eastwood, Chaplain at the Belfast City Hospital for their excellent care. Thanks to the doctors and staff of Draperstown Surgery.
As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, we trust that this acknowledgement will be accepted by all as our token of our heartfelt appreciation and sincere thanks.
Brian’s Month’s Mind Mass will be celebrated in the Holy Rosary, Draperstown on Friday 5th November at 7:30pm.
McGUIGAN Brian died on 1st October 2021. Late of 10 Drumard Lane, Draperstown.
Beloved son of the late Catherine (Katie) and Patrick Joseph and loving brother of Briege Martin, Mary Moran, Gabrielle Madden, Rita O’Hagan, Veronica, Monica Gillespie, Jude, Kevin, Mark and the late Cornelius, Eugene and Agnes Mc Eldowney.
Funeral on Sunday 3rd October in Church of St Columbas Straw at 1pm. Interment afterwards in adjoining cemetery. Sacred Heart of Jesus have mercy on his soul.
Deeply regretted by his brothers, sisters, nephews, nieces and extended family circle.
House Strictly Private, The Funeral numbers will be limited to social distancing within the Church.
Enquiries: McCusker Bros.
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Months Mind Service
05 November 2021, 7:30 pmHoly Rosary, Draperstown
Funeral/Service of thanksgiving Details
03 October 2021, 01:00pmSt Columbas Church, Straw
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Burial/Cremation Details
St Columbas Churchyard, Straw