We, the family of the late Peter McKenna R.I.P. wish to express our heartfelt thanks for the love and support given to us following the death of a much-loved husband, father, grandfather and brother.
We thank Fr Paddy Doherty P.P. for his spiritual support throughout Peter’s illness and for being the main celebrant at his Requiem Mass. We would also like to thank Fr Kieran O’Doherty C.C. and Fr Damian Bresnahan SMA for concelebrating the Requiem Mass.
A special word of thanks to Hilary McKenna, Jolene Conway and Seán Og Graham for the beautiful singing and music. Sincere thanks to Sally McKeown and Bernadette McKenna for preparing the Church, and to John McKee and the groundsmen for preparing Peter’s final resting place.
Our gratitude is also extended to Michael and Nicholas Gormley of J.A. Gormley Funeral Directors, Maghera for the compassionate, dignified and professional manner in which they carried out all the funeral arrangements. Their support was very much appreciated.
Thank you to those who sent Mass cards, sympathy cards, telephoned, visited the family home, or who, by any means, offered their condolences. We gratefully appreciate the support of the many relatives, neighbours, friends and wider community who lined the route of the funeral cortege to pay their respects, attended the Requiem Mass or joined us via the church webcam.
As it is impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this acknowledgement as a token of our sincere thanks and appreciation. Mass will be offered for all your intentions.
Peter’s Month’s Mind Mass will be celebrated in St. Patrick’s Church, Glen on Friday 1st October 2021 at 7.30pm.
McKENNA Peter died on 27th August 2021, peacefully at Antrim Area hospital. Late of 56 Glen Rd, Maghera. BT46 5AP.
Beloved husband of Kathleen and loving father of Marie, Brendan, Peter, Úna and Brian and devoted brother May Convery, Betty Curry, Bernard, Angela Quigg, Flora Hegarty and the late Dolores Mulholland.
Funeral from his home 56 Glen Rd, BT46 5AP on Monday 30th August for 11am Requiem Mass in St Patrick’s Church, Glen. Interment afterwards in adjoining cemetery. Sacred heart of Jesus have mercy on his soul.
Deeply regretted by sorrowing wife, sons, daughters, grandchildren Christopher, Clare, Niall, Clodagh, Emily and Brendan, brother, sisters, daughters in law Úna and Susanna, nephews, nieces and wider family circle.
Requiem Mass numbers will be limited within the Church in line with social distancing restrictions.
Enquiries: J.A Gormley Funeral Directors.
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Months Mind Service
01 October 2021, 7:30 pmSt. Patrick’s Church, Glen
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Funeral/Service of thanksgiving Details
30 August 2021, 11:00amSt Patrick’s Church, Glen
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Burial/Cremation Details
St Patrick’s Churchyard, Glen