Alex (Stanley) McKEOWN

We the McKeown family (Bellaghy) Martin, Celine, Eamon, Gerard and his partner Margaret, wish to express our heartfelt gratitude and sincere thanks to all those who sympathised and supported us during the recent, sudden and devastating loss of our much loved Dad, Alex.
We wish to thank most sincerely our extended family circle, neighbours and friends who worked tirelessly throughout the wake. We greatly appreciate all those who attended dads wake, Requiem Mass and burial to those who sent Mass Cards, floral tributes, brought food and refreshments, paid tribute on social media and lined the route on the morning of the funeral.
A special thanks to Maurice Diamond and the staff at Bellaghy Pharmacy for their long term help and support and thanks to ward 6C Doctors, Nurses and Carers who looked after dad during his time at The Royal Victoria Hospital.
To Monsignor Dolan we offer our heartfelt appreciation for your pastoral support and for celebrating dads Requiem Mass. Appreciation also to the sacristan Brian, readers and the beautiful singing.
Our sincere thanks to McCusker Bros Funeral Directors, for their professionalism and dignity with dads funeral arrangements and the gravediggers who prepared dads resting place.
As it is impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this acknowledgment as a token of our sincere heartfelt thanks at this most difficult time.
Dads month mind will be celebrated on Wednesday the 6th October at St Mary’s Church Bellaghy at 7pm (also available on webcam)
Scared Heart of Jesus have mercy on his kind and gentle soul forever and always in our hearts. Dad.
McKEOWN Alex (Stanley) Died on 6th September 2021. Late of 12 Springfield Park, Bellaghy.
Beloved husband of the late Betty, loving partner of Margaret and her family, devoted father of Martin, Celine (Boyle), Eamon, Gerard and the late infant Elizabeth Anne, brother of Mary, Pat, Olive, Jean, Nuala, Sadie, Bridget, Margaret and the late Helen and infant Michael.
Funeral from his home, 12 Springfield Park on Thursday 9th September at 10.30am for 11am Requiem Mass in Church of St Mary Bellaghy, interment afterwards in adjoining cemetery. Sacred Heart of Jesus have mercy on his soul.
Deeply regretted by his sorrowing sons, daughter, partner, son in law, daughter in law grandchildren, brother, sisters, nephews, nieces and extended family circle.
House Strictly Private, The Funeral numbers will be limited to social distancing within the Church.
“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.”
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Months Mind Service
06 October 2021, 7:00 pmSt Mary’s Church Bellaghy
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Funeral/Service of thanksgiving Details
09 September 2021, 11:00amChurch of St Mary Bellaghy
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Burial/Cremation Details
Churchyard of St Mary, Bellaghy