Angela (Annie) McLAUGHLIN (née McBride)

Tony McLaughlin, (husband) and the sons and family of the late Angela McLaughlin, would like to express their heartfelt appreciation to everyone who sympathised with them in their recent bereavement.
Thank you to all who called to the house, sent mass cards, sympathy cards, floral tributes and food at the wake. Sincere thanks to the very many special friends and relatives for their support and prayers, your kindness will never be forgotten.
We would like to thank all the staff of Ward 26 Altnagelvin Hospital for their care and compassion in the final weeks of Angelas life. Angela always spoke greatly of their kindness.
A grateful thanks to Fr. Gerard for the beautiful celebration of the funeral mass, we couldn’t have asked for anything more fitting, and also for his continued support for Tony and the family in more recent weeks.
A special word of thanks to Angela’s grandchildren for their beautiful contribution to their granny’s funeral mass. Your granny would be so proud of each and everyone of you.
A sincere thanks to the musicians Conor and Emma McGinty and Eamon Karran for their beautiful requiem music and for contributing so passionately towards Angelas Funeral Mass, we can’t thank you enough.
A special thank you to Kieran Connor and McClafferty Funeral Directors for the sensitive and caring manner in which they carried out Angelas funeral. They went above and beyond their duty, and we are eternally grateful.
As it is impossible to thank everyone individually, we trust this acknowledgement will be accepted as an appreciation of our gratitude.
Angelas months mind Mass will be celebrated on Thursday 7th October at 7pm in St Brigids Chapel, Carnhill. All Welcome.
“Those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us every day”
St Padre Pio Pray for her.
McLAUGHLIN (née McBride) Angela (Annie) Died on on the 7th of September 2021, peacefully in Ward 26, Altnagelvin hospital. Late of 18 Danesfort Crescent. May she rest in peace.
Beloved wife of Tony. Devoted mother of Tony, Christopher, Damien, Martin and John Paul. Loving grandmother and great-grandmother to all of her grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Deeply regretted and sadly missed by all of her wider family circle, friends and neighbours.
Angela’s remains will be reposing at her late residence, 18 Danesfort Crescent, funeral leaving from there on Thursday 9th September at 10:20am for 11am requiem Mass in St. Brigids Church, Carnhill, burial immediately afterwards in the City Cemetery. St Padre Pio pray intercede for her.
Sadly, due to the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic and in accordance with the updated government guidelines the wake and funeral will be private for family and friends only. Please maintain social distancing and adhere to government guidelines at all times.
All Enquiries to Mr. Kieran Connor, McClafferty Funeral Directors
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Months Mind Service
07 October 2021, 7:00 pmSt Brigids Chapel, Carnhill
Click here to watch the ceremony online -
Funeral/Service of thanksgiving Details
09 September 2021, 11:00amSt. Brigids Church, Carnhill
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Burial/Cremation Details
Derry City Cemetery