Mary McWILLIAMS (nee McGonnell)

Date of Death: Thursday 13th January 2022 Town: Fintona
Date of Death: Thursday 13th January 2022

We, the family of the late Mary McWilliams wish to express our deepest gratitude to everyone who sympathised with us during our recent sad bereavement. We offer a heartfelt appreciation to our family, friends and neighbours who visited mum in her final weeks and attended her wake.

To all those who helped out during the wake and funeral, sat up at wake, helped with parking, brought gifts of food. For all who sent Mass cards, sympathy cards, flowers or expressed their condolences via telephone and social media, we are truly grateful.

Thank-you to all who were present on the funeral route, attended the Requiem Mass
and burial, stood outside the church or joined us via the parish webcam for mum’s funeral.
A special word of thanks to Rev.Fr. Seán Mulligan for his spiritual support and for delivering a gracious and meaningful Funeral Mass. Thanks to Fergal McAloon, Stephen Corrigan and Mickey Kerr for the beautiful music and to all who participated in the Mass.

Special thanks to Joe & Bridie Marlow of (Marlow Funeral Director) for the efficient, dignified and professional manner in which they carried out all the funeral arrangements. Thanks to the grave digger Tommy Boyle who prepared mum’s final resting place. Thanks also to the Bridge Tavern , Eskra for the beautiful food after the funeral.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank the Renal Unit Omagh, Home therapy team, GP’s in Fintona Medical Centre, District nurses, Rapid Response and Marie Curie.
A special word of thanks to the staff of Fintona Medical Hall chemist for their attention to mum’s medical needs throughout the years.

We extend our appreciation to all mum’s carers, most recent Carol, Hanna, Marion and Marty.
As it is impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this acknowledgment as a gesture of our family’s deepest gratitude.

Mum’s Month’s Mind Mass will be celebrated on Friday 18th February at 7.30pm in St.Lawrence’s Church, Fintona.

We, the family of the late Mary McWilliams wish to express our deepest gratitude to everyone who sympathised with us during our recent sad bereavement. We offer a heartfelt appreciation to our family, friends and neighbours who visited mum in her final weeks and attended her wake.

To all those who helped out during the wake and funeral, sat up at wake, helped with parking, brought gifts of food. For all who sent Mass cards, sympathy cards, flowers or expressed their condolences via telephone and social media, we are truly grateful.

Thank-you to all who were present on the funeral route, attended the Requiem Mass
and burial, stood outside the church or joined us via the parish webcam for mum’s funeral.
A special word of thanks to Rev.Fr. Seán Mulligan for his spiritual support and for delivering a gracious and meaningful Funeral Mass. Thanks to Fergal McAloon, Stephen Corrigan and Mickey Kerr for the beautiful music and to all who participated in the Mass.

Special thanks to Joe & Bridie Marlow of (Marlow Funeral Director) for the efficient, dignified and professional manner in which they carried out all the funeral arrangements. Thanks to the grave digger Tommy Boyle who prepared mum’s final resting place. Thanks also to the Bridge Tavern , Eskra for the beautiful food after the funeral.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank the Renal Unit Omagh, Home therapy team, GP’s in Fintona Medical Centre, District nurses, Rapid Response and Marie Curie.
A special word of thanks to the staff of Fintona Medical Hall chemist for their attention to mum’s medical needs throughout the years.

We extend our appreciation to all mum’s carers, most recent Carol, Hanna, Marion and Marty.
As it is impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this acknowledgment as a gesture of our family’s deepest gratitude.

Mum’s Month’s Mind Mass will be celebrated on Friday 18th February at 7.30pm in St.Lawrence’s Church, Fintona.

McWILLIAMS (nee McGonnell) Mary – 13th January 2022. Late of 55 Gargrim Road, Fintona.

Mary, beloved wife of the late Francie, much loved mother of Martina, Jo, Connor, Paul, Stephen and predeceased baby Rory, sister of Josephine McCrory and deceased brothers and sisters Tommy, Fran, Brian, Peter, Gerard, Phil and Margaret.

Mary’s remains will repose in her late residence with removal on Sunday 16th January, to arrive at St.Lawrence’s Church Fintona for 1.30pm Requiem Mass followed by burial in adjoining cemetery.

Alternatively Mass can be viewed via the Donecavey Parish website.
Mary’s home will be private tonight for her family, but will be open from tomorrow Friday until Saturday night for anyone wishing to call. In light of Health and safety COVID Regulations will apply.

Deeply regretted and sadly missed by her sorrowing sons, daughters, son-law Paddy, daughters-in-law Mary, Claire and Ursula, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, sister, brothers-law, sisters-in-law, nieces, nephews and entire family circle.

Family flowers only.

Enquiries: Marlow Funeral Directors

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