We, the family of the late Sean Moran wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to everyone who sympathised with us during our recent sad bereavement. We would especially like to thank our extended family, friends, neighbours and everyone who helped out at the wake. Those who brought food, sent mass and sympathy cards, telephoned, posted tributes online, sent messages, called at the house, attended the funeral and donated to Marie Curie.
Sincere thanks to the Doctors and Nursing Staff at the North West Cancer Centre Altnagelvin, for their care and compassion towards Sean. To the District Nurses who attended our home and cared for Sean during his illness, along with the carers from Marie Curie who done so with such kindness. This was a great comfort and blessing to us. Also Moneymore Health Centre and Stephen McKay and Staff at Moneymore Pharmacy.
A special word of thanks to Fr McArdle PP for celebrating Requiem Mass, for visiting Sean at home and in hospital, and to all who took part in the funeral mass. Thanks to Margaret Conlon and Patrick Slevin for the beautiful music and singing.
We would also like to thank McCusker Bros Funeral Directors for the professional, compassionate and dignified manner in which the funeral arrangements were carried out. Many thanks to Michael McElhatton and the Greenvale for providing food for the wake and after the funeral.
We will be forever grateful for all the support and kindness we have received during this difficult time. As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually we hope this acknowledgement will be accepted as a token of our appreciation. Sean’s Month’s Mind Mass will be celebrated on Tuesday 2nd January 2024 at 7.30pm in St John and St Trea’s Church Moneymore.
MORAN Sean (Moneymore) 2nd December 2023
Sean R.I.P. beloved husband of Ann and loving father of Shauna, Martina, Roisin, John Patrick (JP) and Liam, beloved son of the late John A and Nancy, loving brother of Seamus, Ann, Noreen, Kevin, Maura, Hugh, Martin and the late Bridget.
Funeral from his home 14 Rock Road on Tuesday 5th December at 1.40pm for 2.00pm Requiem Mass in Church of St John and St Trea, interment afterwards in adjoining cemetery. Our Lady of Lourdes pray for him.
Loved and sadly missed by his wife, daughters, sons, sons in law Brian, Barry, Raymie, grandchildren Joe, Conor, Chloe, Aiden, Grace, Maisy, Annabel, Connlan, Connie, brothers, sisters, nephews, nieces and extended family circle.
Family flowers only, donations in lieu if so desired to Marie Curie Donate to charity | Marie Curie. Family time please from 10.30pm to 11.00am.
Sean’s wake will commence at 5.00pm on Sunday 3rd December
Safely Home
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Months Mind Service
02 January 2024, 7:30 pmSt John and St Trea's Church Moneymore.
Funeral/Service of thanksgiving Details