Margaret MULHALL (nee McEvoy)

The family of the late Margaret Mulhall wish to express our sincere appreciation to all those who sympathised, prayed for and supported us on our recent bereavement.
Many thanks to those who called at the house, provided food, sent Mass cards, sympathy cards and messages of condolence.
Thanks also to those who attended the removal of Margaret’s remains and her funeral.
A special thank you to Fr Gerry McCluskey for conducting the most beautiful and dignified Requiem Mass.
Thank you also to Canon Murray for his ongoing spiritual guidance. Thanks to Finbarr Keaveney and to Carol Deegan for their beautiful singing at the funeral services.
A sincere thank you to Martin and his family at Charles Rourke & Sons Funeral Directors for the most dignified manner in which they conducted the funeral arrangements. Thanks also to the grave diggers.
We wish to thank Dr Malachy Murphy, all the staff at Ardglass Health Centre and the District Nurses and Marie Curie nurses who attended Margaret in her final days.
Thank you to the lovely Guard of Honour with pupils from St Nicholas PS and past Lady Captains, Captains and Presidents from Ardglass Golf Club. Thanks also to the Club’s caterers and staff for the excellent meal served after the funeral.
As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this acknowledgement as an expression of our heartfelt gratitude.
Margaret’s Month’s Mind Mass will be celebrated in St Nicholas’ Church, Ardglass, at 7.30pm on Friday 5th January 2024.
MULHALL (nee McEvoy) Margaret – 4th December 2023.
Dearly beloved wife of the late Gerald and much loved mother of Peter, Catherine and Margot, mother-in-law of Paula, Hugh and Brian, loving grandmother to nine grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. May she rest in peace.
Margaret will be reposing at her late residence, 16 The Meadows, Downpatrick until removal to St. Nicholas’ Church, Ardglass on Tuesday 5th December, arriving at 8.00pm.
Requiem Mass will be held on Wednesday 6th December at 1.00pm. Interment afterwards in adjoining Cemetery. Sacred Heart of Jesus have mercy on her soul. Requiem Mass maybe viewed online
Family Flowers only please, donations may be made in lieu, if desired to Trócaire c/o Charles Rourke & Sons Funeral Directors, 51 Church Street, Downpatrick BT30 6EH.
Safely Home
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Please share a photograph of the late Margaret with their family
Months Mind Service
05 January 2023, 7:30 pmSt Nicholas' Church, Ardglass
Funeral/Service of thanksgiving Details
Riona Ferry