Michaela, Aaron, Anthony, Mary, Noel, Roisin and Diane wish to express our gratitude to all family and friends who sympathised and supported us through our recent bereavement of Mark.
Thank you to Father Tremer for his support, help and understanding. We also wish to thank him for the beautiful requiem Mass and his sincere Homily about Mark.
Additionally, we thank Emmett and Roisin for their touching music which enhanced the Mass.
A special word of thanks to Conan Lavery and Pat O’Neill from Lavery’s Funeral Directors for their professional and dignified handling of the funeral arrangements. Also, we thank the gravediggers for preparing Mark’s final resting place.
We also like to thank the paramedics and all the emergency services who attended Mark.
Although we cannot thank everyone individually we hope that this acknowledgement will be accepted as a token of our appreciation
Mark’s month’s mind Mass will take place on Saturday 30th December at 6pm in the Church of the Immaculate Conception Moortown.
Saint Martin de Porres pray for him.
QUINN Mark (Moortown) 29th November 2023.
Mark R.I.P. Father of Michaela and Aaron, son of Anthony and the late Kathleen R.I.P. and much-loved brother of Mary Agnes (Devlin), Noel Francis and Roisin.
Removal from his father’s house at 63 Anneter Road BT80 0HZ to The Church of The Immaculate Conception Moortown for 1pm Requiem Mass on Sunday 3rd December. Interment afterwards in the adjoining cemetery. Funeral Mass will also be streamed via Church Webcam. St Martin pray for him.
Deeply regretted by his sorrowing partner Diane, father, son, daughter, brother, sisters, nephews, nieces and wider family circle.
Lavery’s Funeral Directors
Safely Home
View DirectoryBook of Condolences
Please add your message of sympathy to Mark's book of condolences.
Please share a photograph of the late Mark with their family
Months Mind Service
30 December 2023, 6:00 pmChurch of the Immaculate Conception Moortown
Funeral/Service of thanksgiving Details