Sylvie QUINN

1st Anniversary Notice
Precious memories of a dear father, grandfather and brother.
No matter how life changes,
no matter what we do,
a special place within our hearts,
is always kept for you.
1st Anniversary Mass will be celebrated on Friday 16th June at 7.30pm in St Joseph’s church, Ackinduff.
Family Acknowledgement
We the daughters of the late Sylvie Quinn wish to express our sincere and heartfelt thanks to all who sympathised with us on the passing of a much loved father, brother, grandfather, father-in-law, brother-in-law, uncle and friend.
We are very grateful for the support and prayers of those who attended the wake, removal of his remains and the funeral mass, especially to those who came very long distances. It was very comforting to see you all there. We wish to thank also those that sent mass cards, sympathy cards and sent messages of condolences, including messages on social media. Your thoughts and prayers were greatly appreciated.
We would like to thank Daddy’s domiciliary carers and private carers: Bernie, Caoimhe, Carol, Eileen, Kate, Linda, Maureen, Selina and Theresa. All were a great source of comfort to Daddy and to ourselves and the input by these great carers enabled us to keep him at home until his passing. Your kindness will never be forgotten.
Daddy received the best medical attention from so many professionals: we especially thank Doctor Armstrong GP from Errigal Medical Centre who always took the time to discuss Daddy’s care at length and to answer our many questions. Your knowledge and professionalism was so appreciated. Thank you to all the staff at O’Neills Chemist, Ballygawley who were always very helpful and tended to his every medication need. A big thanks to the Community Palliative Care Team especially Ruth, Hannah and Diane and to his Community District Nursing Team especially Norma, Ethna and Rebecca. Your kindness and dedication were second to none. We are very thankful as well to the Community Stroke Team who were very attentive throughout Daddy’s recent illness. A special word of thanks is extended also to the Marie Curie Team who couldn’t have been kinder to Daddy. We will be eternally thankful for your compassion especially in his final days.
A special word of thanks to those many friends and neighbours who helped out tirelessly in many ways at the wake, both in the kitchen serving tea and refreshments and helping to park cars. Thank you all for being so generous with your time. Thanks also to Geraldine O’Neill / Nugent Engineering for providing the beautiful catering for the wake and to the many people who brought food to the wake. Your generosity was very much appreciated.
Our sincere thanks to Fr Hannigan PP, Killeeshil for his spiritual guidance and support and for celebrating the beautiful funeral Mass. Thanks also to Fr McGuckin for his kind words. At the funeral, we were so uplifted by the beautiful singing and music performed by our neighbours Cara and Aisling McElvogue and by the very talented tin whistle playing by Daddy’s niece Helen Gormley. Thanks also to all the grandchildren who performed their duties so well at the funeral mass. Their involvement really added to the occasion.
Sincere thanks to Paudge Quinn for the very dignified manner in which he carried out the funeral arrangements. We are thankful for your professionalism and support. Also thank you to the gravedigger who prepared Daddy’s grave. We would also like to thank the staff of Quinn’s Corner for the beautiful meal following the funeral.
As it is impossible to thank everyone individually, we trust this acknowledgement will be accepted as a token of our utmost appreciation.
Daddy’s Months Mind Mass will be celebrated in St Joseph’s Church, Ackinduff on Friday 15th July at 7.30pm
Carol, Lorraine, Edel and Helen
QUINN Sylvie – 16th June 2022, peacefully at home. Late of 48 Gortlenaghan Road, Cabragh, Dungannon, Co Tyrone, BT70 3AJ, formerly Glenbeg, Galbally.
Dear father of Carol Nugent (Chris), Lorraine Kelly (Martin), Edel Carty (Shane) and Helen McWilliams (Ian), Dear brother of Lettie (Donnelly), Pat and Tom.
Reposing at his late residence until removal on Saturday at 12.30pm for 1pm Requiem Mass in St Joseph’s Church, Ackinduff. Interment afterwards in adjoining cemetery. Sacred Heart of Jesus have mercy on his soul.
Very deeply regretted by his sorrowing daughters, sons-in-law, grandchildren, Alanna, Tiarnan, Ryan, Ciara, Michael, Darragh, Clare, Callum, Sean, Clara and Freya, brothers, sisters, nephews, nieces and large family circle.
Safely Home
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Please share a photograph of the late Sylvie with their family
Anniversary Service
16 June 2023, 7:30 pmSt Joseph’s Church, Ackinduff
Click here to watch the ceremony online -
Months Mind Service
15 July 2022, 7:30 pmSt Joseph’s Church, Ackinduff
Click here to watch the ceremony online -
Funeral/Service of thanksgiving Details
18 June 2022, 01:00pmSt Joseph's Church, Ackinduff
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Roisin Muldoon