The family of the late Sean Rankin RIP wish to express our sincere thanks to all those who sympathised with us following our recent sad loss.
We would like to thank those who sent mass and sympathy cards, floral tributes, left messages on social media, attended the wake, funeral, and burial.
We offer our heartfelt thanks to our kind relatives, friends, and neighbours for their prayers and support.
Our sincere thanks to Fr. Patsy Mulholland for his kindness and support and for celebrating the requiem mass. Thank you to everyone who took part in the funeral mass including the readers, the Eucharistic minister, Denise and choir for the beautiful music and singing. Thanks also to Wishie for preparing the grave.
A special thanks to the staff of the Glens of Antrim Medical Centre, District Nurses, the Palliative Care Teams and Marie Curie nurses for their kind and respectful care of Sean during his illness.
Finally, thanks also to DJM Robinson Funeral Directors for the professional and dignified manner in which the funeral arrangements were conducted.
We hope this acknowledgement will be accepted by everyone as a token of our appreciation and gratitude.
Sean’s Month’s Mind Mass will be celebrated in St. Macnissi’s Church, Magherahoney on Friday 28th July at 7.30 pm.
RANKIN Sean (Cushendall) – June 25th 2023 peacefully at his home, 8 Gortaclee Court, formerly of Ballyweaney Rd., Corkey
Sean, dearly loved husband of the late Marion, R.I.P., , much loved father of Shauna and Emma, father in law of Neil and John, devoted granda of Michaela, Emma, Charlie, Lucia and Eddie, dear brother of Seamus and a dear brother in law and uncle.
His Remains will leave his home on Tuesday at 6.15pm to St MacNissi’s Church, Magherahoney for arrival at 7.00pm. Requiem Mass on Wednesday at 12noon, burial afterwards in the adjoining cemetery. House strictly private.
Donations in lieu of flowers, if desired, to Marie Curie c/o DJM Robinson & Son, 121 Culcrum Rd., Cloughmills. BT44 9DT. Lovingly remembered. “St Martin pray for him.”
Safely Home
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Months Mind Service
28 July 2023, 7:30 pmSt. Macnissi's Church, Magherahoney
Funeral/Service of thanksgiving Details