The family of the late Tony Rush wish to express their sincere heartfelt thanks and gratitude to everyone who sympathised with us on our recent sad bereavement.
To the many Who came to the wake, sent mass and sympathy cards, brought food and supported us in many ways.
And for all who sent flowers and wreaths.
To Fr. Baker for all his kindness and who celebrated a beautiful requiem mass.
To The Doherty sister for their beautiful singing and to the readers.
To The Eucharistic Ministers and Sacristan and grave diggers.
Heartfelt thanks to Sean Carr of Carr Family Funerals for the professional and caring manner with which they carried out our daddy’s wake and funeral.
We would also like to thank John Gilmore and Lawrence Lynch for draping the flag over our daddy’s coffin.
A special word of thanks to Clare and Michelle for all their help during the wake.
As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually we hope this acknowledgement will be accepted as an expression of our deepest thanks and appreciation.
Daddy’s Month Mind Mass will be in St. Columba’s Church Longtower on Saturday 26th February at 6.00pm.
RUSH Tony died on 19th January 2022, at his home, 26 Dove Gardens.
Beloved Husband of the Late Margaret. Loving Father of Teresa, Marie, Jacqueline, Catherine and the Late Majella. A much Loved Grandfather and Great Grandfather.
Tony’s remains will arrive at the Monument Lecky Road Today, Wednesday 19th at 4pm.
Funeral from his home, on Friday at 10.20am to St Columbia’s Church, Longtower for Requiem Mass at 11am. Interment afterwards in the city Cemetery.
Deeply regretted and will be sadly missed by all his family and everyone that knew him.
Please adhere to government guidelines and maintain social distancing at all times.
Sacred heart of Jesus have mercy on his soul. Our lady of knock pray for him.
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Months Mind Service
26 February 2022, 6:00 pmSt. Columba’s Church Longtower
Click here to watch the ceremony online -
Funeral/Service of thanksgiving Details
21 January 2022, 11:00amSt Columbia’s Church, Longtower
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Burial/Cremation Details
Derry City Cemetery